Crowdsource to experts. Build better exams.
Bring exam content from your global community of experts into one dedicated location, organized by assessment project and formatted to industry standards and guidelines
Certified Functional Tester Exam
Annual Sales Strategy Assessment
Certified Emergency Medical Technician-B Exam
275 of 300 questions submitted
60 of 100 questions submitted
46 of 75 questions submitted
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Rigorous certification exams require content built and validated by experts, but it remains a struggle to get their time (e.g highly billable, not available, or limited budgets). That's why PlatformEX2 is a game-changer. PlatformEX2 is dedicated site that allows you to solicit exam questions from experts worldwide, and to export contributed content in various formats (e.g. CSV, XLS, QTI) for easy transfer to your secure exam authoring/delivery applications.
Designed by assessment professionals and developed by technology experts, PlatformEX2 lets you distribute the load of building exam content to global experts, leveraging a vast collection of experience and specialization. You are engaging them in a new way that opens room for rewards and recognition of shared expertise.
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