Essential to offering a reliable and valid exam is the task of question vetting. Question vetting involves experts examining and/or editing questions to make it free of any mistakes.¹
grammar and global language review
technical accuracy review
alignment to the exam objective and level of difficulty
referenced by current documentation
If you have never experienced a question-vetting session, I think, the best way is to recreate a scene and step into the roles that would be involved in this aspect of exam development. I created a five-page screenplay to give you this learning experience.
The film industry counts one page of screenplay as one minute on screen which makes this activity 5 minutes long. Download the free PDF, take a break with your team and do a table read of The Vetting Syndrome.
What is the significance of the number of subject matter experts in this scene?
Why was "best bang for the buck" edited out of the question?
I hope you enjoyed this instructional activity and welcome to The Certification Channel!
¹ Reference used:
Keywords: testing, exam, vetting, Angoff, Ebel, cut-score, screenplay, script, table read, training, learning, instructional activity, proofread, psychometry, review